The Most Annoying Things You Might Have To Deal With When Selling Your House

It’s no secret that selling a house can be a tedious process. From dealing with prospective buyers to handling paperwork, and finding the right price point, there are a lot of things that go into successfully selling a property. However, even more annoying than the entire process itself can be some of the unexpected challenges and surprises you might encounter along the way with house hunters.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most frustrating things and annoying habits from potential buyers you might have to deal with when selling your house. So if you’re about to sell your home, or are in the midst of doing so, be sure to read on!

image representing house been sold

Last-Minute Showings

One of the most frustrating things about selling your house is having to deal with last-minute showings. Just when you think you finally have a few hours to yourself, you get a call from your real estate agent saying that someone wants to come to see your house in half an hour.

This can be especially annoying if you weren’t expecting visitors and are in the middle of doing something around the house. Whether you’re in the middle of cooking dinner or trying to get some work done, being interrupted by a last-minute showing can really throw a wrench in your plans.

If you can, try to be as flexible as possible when it comes to showings. Providing open house days is a great way to be prepared for those who will be coming to look at your home, and will allow you to have multiple viewings in a day and time that suits you best. However, if you really can’t accommodate a showing on short notice, don’t hesitate to let your agent know. After all, it’s your house and you should have a say in when people can come to see it.

Dealing with difficult buyers

One annoying thing about selling your house is dealing with difficult buyers. Some buyers can be really demanding, asking for a lot of changes and wanting to nitpick every little detail.

While it’s important to listen to feedback from prospective buyers and take their concerns into account, you don’t have to agree to all of their requests. If you feel like a buyer is being too demanding, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and let them know that you’re not going to change the entire design of your house just because they asked for it.

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While last-minute showings can be annoying, at least you know that someone is interested in your property. However, there’s nothing more frustrating than having a showing scheduled only for the potential buyer to not show up, especially if you’ve gone to the effort of tidying your home, organizing clutter, and having it professionally cleaned.

This can happen for a variety of reasons, but it’s still incredibly frustrating nonetheless. If you’re expecting a showing and the buyer doesn’t show up, be sure to contact your agent right away. They may be able to reschedule the showing or try to reach the buyer to find out what happened.

Unfortunately, no-shows are a common occurrence in the buying process. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to accept it. If you’re constantly having showings scheduled only for the buyers not to show up, it’s time to have a talk with your agent. A good realtor will tweak their marketing strategy or try a different approach if you continue to be unsuccessful.

At the end of the day, you want to make sure that your property is seen by as many potential buyers as possible. If that means tweaking your agent’s strategy, then so be it. In the meantime, do your best to stay patient and remember that finding the right buyer is a process.

Disregard For Your Property

Another frustrating thing about selling your house is when house hunters don’t seem to care about your property. They might not be respectful of your home or might not take the time to look at it properly.

This can be especially bothersome if you’ve put a lot of effort into making your house look nice for potential buyers. From keeping the yard clean to painting the walls, you want buyers to see your house in the best possible light.

If you encounter potential buyers who seem to disregard your property, be sure to let them know that you’re not happy with their behavior. You might even want to ask them to leave if their attitude is too disruptive.

Having To Remove Your Pets

When you’re selling your house, one of the things you might have to do is remove your pets from the premises. This can be difficult for both you and your pets, but it’s necessary in order to make your home more appealing to potential buyers.

image of a dog sitting in front of door

If you have to remove your pets from the house, try to find a friend or family member who can take them in for a while. It may also be worth having your property professionally cleaned once your furry friends have been removed from your property. You can also look into pet boarding facilities or even animal shelters. Just make sure that you have a plan in place before your house goes on the market.

Finding Your Lights Left On and Your Doors Unlocked

One of the most frustrating things about selling your house is finding your lights left on and your doors unlocked. This can be a security risk and it’s just generally disruptive.

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If you find that your lights have been left on or your doors have been left unlocked, be sure to contact your agent right away. A realtor should talk to potential buyers and remind them to be more careful in the future.

In the meantime, try to be as vigilant as possible when it comes to securing your property. Be sure to lock all of your doors and windows before leaving the house and make sure that all of your valuables are put away.

Pushed Closing Date

One of the most frustrating things about selling your house is when the closing date gets pushed back. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but it’s always frustrating and it’s not uncommon in the real estate world.

If you’re expecting to close on your house in the near future and the date gets pushed back, be sure to contact your real estate agent right away. They may be able to give you some more information about why the closing date was pushed back and what you can do to speed up the process.

Hopefully, none of these challenges will come up when you’re selling your house. However, if they do, don’t hesitate to deal with them head-on. After all, the sooner you sell your house, the sooner you can move on to the next chapter in your life.

Hiring The Right Real Estate Agent

One of the most important things you can do when selling your house is to hire a good realtor. This person will be responsible for marketing your property, negotiating with buyers, and dealing with paperwork.

You want to make sure that you hire an agent with whom you feel comfortable and who you can trust. Be sure to interview a few different real estate agents before making your final decision.

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As frustrating as selling your house can be, it’s important to remember that it’s only temporary. With the help of a good real estate agent, you should be able to sell your house in no time through their marketing expertise and professional guidance. Just be patient and stay positive throughout the process.

Low-Ball Offers

In the real estate world, one of the most frustrating things is when you get low-balled by house hunters. This can be a huge blow to your ego, especially if you think your house is worth more than what they’re offering.

If you’re in the process of selling your house and you get a low-ball offer, don’t hesitate to counter-offer. However, if the buyer isn’t willing to budge, you might have to adjust your price point in order to make the sale.

While it’s never fun to get low-balled, remember that it’s just part of the process. With a little patience, you should be able to find a buyer who’s willing to pay a fair price for your house.

Having to Deal with Paperwork

Finally, one of the most annoying things about selling your house is having to deal with paperwork. From getting your home inspected to filling out disclosure forms, there’s a lot of paperwork that goes into selling a house.

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Unfortunately, there’s no way to avoid this entirely. However, you can make things a bit easier on yourself by getting organized and keeping all of your paperwork in one place. This way, you’ll know where everything is and won’t have to spend hours searching for a specific document.


When you want to get your house sold, there are a lot of things that you have to deal with. You have to keep it clean and ready for showings at all times, host an open house, make sure that you have a reasonable price point, and negotiate with potential buyers. Also, during the process of selling your house, you may run into other annoying situations.

Hopefully, our summary above will help to prepare you for things that may come up when selling your home, and you can go some way to be ready or avoid them if you’re lucky.

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However, if you’re looking for a simple sale that doesn’t involve any of the usual hassles associated with home sales – like maintenance repairs, staging, hosting an open house, or marketing – then consider getting your house sold to a real estate cash buyer. With Simple Sell Home Buyers, our goal is simple – get a fair offer from us that you won’t want to refuse.

We understand selling a home doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. That’s why we offer cash in as-is condition without repair costs and will close when you are happy with our offer. If you are interested in getting into contact with us or to schedule a home tour, give us a call at (+)1-516 603 5748.

Image Credits

RISMedia’s Housecall/ Google Stock Images

Coastal Contract House/ Google Stock Images

Verywell Mind/ Google Stock Images

Communicate Excellence/ Google Stock Images

Fiare/ Google Stock Images

Buy and sell homes/ Google Stock Images

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