How Much Does it Cost to Sell a House in New York?

When you are looking to sell your house in New York, it’s important to know how much it will cost. There are a number of factors that go into determining the selling price and you need an agent who can help you navigate through all the numbers. Selling a home is the biggest financial decision of most people’s lives and it can be a daunting task. It may seem like there are too many things to consider when trying to sell your house; however, with some planning, you will know how much money you need on hand in order to close the deal.

Once you know how much it will cost to sell your home, take some time to evaluate what has been working well (and not so well) during negotiations with potential buyers. Your agent will be able to help you determine the best strategy.

sell house in new york

The more knowledge you have about your home and it’s true market value, the better prepared you will be for negotiating with prospective buyers. You may not want to list your house at its full market value if it is in need of repairs or hasn’t been updated within the last decade

Average House Selling Costs

The average cost of a house in New York is about $2.5 million, according to Forbes magazine. With the median price for a home being over $1 million and having increased by nearly 8% over the last year, it’s becoming more difficult for middle-class families to afford housing in this city. According to Curbed NY, “The real estate market has been driven by high-end buyers who are able to pay cash or get loans backed by their income.”

selling house in short time

As prices continue to rise at an alarming rate, many people are wondering what they can do if they’re unable to afford these costs and don’t have enough equity built up in their homes. Here is a bit of a breakdown in terms of selling your home.

Cost Breakdown

Homeowners should also factor in other costs such as closing fees (typically 2% or 3% of the sale price) and property taxes (1% to 1.5%). On top of these expenses, homeowners may have to pay for repairs that come up during inspections if they’re not disclosed on the property’s disclosure form; these can include anything from new hinges on kitchen cabinets to fixing faulty wiring or mold growth.

cost for selling house

So what does this mean? Selling a home isn’t cheap! On a positive note, some costs are deductible from your taxes (such as closing fees and property tax) which can offset or reduce your total tax liability.

Repairs and Staging

Have you considered how staging your home would help get it ready for sale? This includes making sure everything inside is neat and tidy, decluttering by removing anything that doesn’t belong there, arranging furniture so it looks its best and installing fresh flowers all around. Staging a house will make people want to buy it because they’ll see themselves living there.

person doing house maintenance

If the house requires any maintenance or updating, it can cost thousands of dollars to complete these tasks before putting the property on the market. In order to reduce expenses, many people decide to hire a professional stager or interior decorator instead.

Broker Commissions

A broker commission is the fee that agents charge for working on real estate deals. The commission is typically paid by the seller and can range anywhere from 3% to 6%. Agents are required to disclose their commissions before they begin negotiations with you. A typical commission rate for a real estate agent in New York is 6% and this will be taken out of the proceeds from the sale.

When do you pay broker’s commissions? Generally, if you are upfront about an agent’s fee when you hire them, they’ll work with their company to make sure that fee can be paid on closing day instead of up-front. If there’s any money left over after paying all expenses on closing day, then that would go towards paying off the brokerage fees or other charges due at closing. This type of payment plan helps ensure sellers don’t have to dip into their own pocket to pay off an agent’s commission after the closing.

Transfer Tax

Transfer tax is the fee you pay to transfer ownership of a property from one person or entity to another. The amount varies by state, but generally ranges between 1-3% of the assessed value of the property. Transfer taxes are typically collected when an individual sells their house, and can be paid either on a lump sum basis at closing or as part of your monthly mortgage payments.

taxes on property sale

Governments do not seem to agree on what is considered taxable or not, so it’s best that homeowners research their local laws before proceeding with any sale. For example, New York State has three different types of fees: the Transfer Tax (1% for residential property), the Mortgage Recording Tax (.5%), and Documentary Stamps(1%).

Most states have these same three fees but each state may have different rates depending on how much you paid for your home. It is important to research all applicable taxes before proceeding with the sale as failure to pay could result in significant penalties such as fines and or back taxes that must be paid.

Flip Tax

In New York, if you are selling a home that was flipped in the last three years, then you will have to pay a flip tax before the sale is finalized. The flip tax applies to any property that has been purchased and sold within 3 years of each other. For example, if your house is worth $300,000 and you decide to sell it for $500,000 after living there for 2 years, then you will owe 15% of the profits in taxes because this falls under “flipping” regulations according to New York state law.

house renovated for sale

If your profit from flipping was less than $200k (the cost of buying and selling), then there would be no taxes owed. It’s important to note that this does not apply to side-by-side properties (i.e. selling your apartment for a profit and then buying another one). Every time that you sell, the price of your property will have to be adjusted to the date when it was originally purchased which would push back any future tax liability.

The city has some of the highest taxes in the country so making sure that you deduct as much as possible can really save you money afterward. If you are investing in real estate just to flip it later down the road, then you should definitely consult with a CPA or tax attorney before going through with any deals so that they can ensure nothing gets overlooked during this process.

Capital Gains Tax

The cost of capital gains tax before selling a home in New York can be high. It is crucial to know how the IRS defines income, gain and loss for taxpayers when it comes to real estate transactions. For example, if you purchase a property at one price with an agreement that you will sell it back at a higher value within 24 months then any profit from that transaction could be taxed as ordinary income instead of long-term capital gains. This apparent loophole is a major cause for concern if you are planning to sell real estate in New York City.

tax on long term capital gains

How to Avoid Closing Costs When Selling a Home in New York

If you’re thinking about selling your home in New York, there are a few things that you need to know before making the plunge. One of them is avoiding closing costs when selling a home in NY.

Did you know that one-third of all buyers use their own funds for financing? So how do they avoid paying closing costs? By arranging their own financing and negotiating with the seller on terms such as price or down payment requirements. They also have more flexibility because they don’t have to worry about mortgage rates going up in six months and being locked into an unfavorable rate for 30 years!

Here are 3 ways to avoid paying closing costs when selling a home in New York and save money:

1) Delay settlement so you can get more potential buyers.

The sooner you settle, the faster your house will be sold. But try not to get too anxious— settlement date isn’t set until all documents are approved by attorneys on both sides (buyer + seller). While it’s possible to close just 14 days from the date of an accepted contract, it’s not advisable because there may still be time for someone else to buy your property if you wait another few weeks or months.

There is no penalty for holding off on settlement after an accepted offer, so it pays to hold out and wait until the market is at its hottest. You can wait for the next quarter, or you can even wait until after the holidays if that’s what it takes to get a better deal on your home.

2) Lower your asking price:

Before putting your home up for sale, take an objective look at what similar homes in the area are selling for and ask yourself honestly whether yours is worth more than theirs. Then cut your price accordingly. Most sellers don’t do this because they’re too emotionally attached to their property—but you should be able to detach from it enough to realize that if only two potential buyers have looked at the house in two months, it probably isn’t priced competitively.

3) Don’t disclose repairs made after the purchase of your home:

When you buy a home, you might be tempted to explain in the listing contract that you had it inspected and repaired any items found during that inspection. Don’t do this. The buyer’s eyes may glaze over at the long list of repairs that need to be made, but if they know what work has been done after their purchase they’re likely to lower the price for which they’ll pay (or simply refuse to buy). Unfortunately, too many real estate agents advise sellers to make major repairs or upgrades on their homes beforehand in order to get the highest possible selling price.

This is bad advice. If buyers are aware of the work that needs to be done as a result of your pre-purchase inspections and renovations, they will expect a significant decrease in the price you ask for your home. Plus, if they’re aware of the changes you’ve made, it’s likely that whatever work you’ve done will no longer be new to them (and therefore not a selling point).


Selling a home is an exciting time. It’s also the most stressful period for homeowners as they prepare to leave their beloved house or apartment behind. Sellers should do everything possible to avoid additional costs when selling by preparing ahead of time and knowing what fees are involved in the process.

house for sale

A home is an investment. But the decision to sell can be a difficult one, especially in today’s market. There are many options when it comes to selling your property, and some may seem appealing at first glance but could end up costing you more time or money than you anticipated. Additionally, the process can take months longer than what it would cost to sell to cash buyers who don’t care about financing because they’re not buying your property with debt!

One of the best ways to sell your home in New York is by selling it for cash. This can be done through a private investor or an agent that specializes in real estate transactions. Realtors and agents will represent you, help with the paperwork, showings etc., but they’ll also charge you a commission fee. The fees are usually around 6% – 7%. On top of that, there’s closing costs which are typically 2-3% of the purchase price. So if you’re looking to save money when buying or selling property in New York City, cash offers may be your best option!

house ready for sale

If you are looking to sell your home quickly and for cash, then Simple Sell Home Buyers may be the perfect fit. We buy homes in any condition, around the New York area with no real estate agent commissions or closing costs! Our streamlined process takes care of all details including property inspections, paperwork, and title work. Get in contact with us today, for more information!

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Sell My House Blog / Google Stock Images

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RISMedia Housecall / Google Stock Images

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