Open vs Closed Floor Plans: Pros, Cons, and The Influence on The Property Value

When it comes to traditional floor plans, there are two main types: open and closed. Each of these options has its own set of pros and cons, which can influence the value of your property when it comes time to sell. At Simple Sell Homebuyers, we are interested in buying properties with either type of floor plan – for a fair price. So, what are the differences between open and closed floor plans? Let’s take a closer look.

What is an Open Floor Plan?

room interior
You’ve probably heard the term “open floor plan” before, but what does it actually mean? An open floor plan is a type of layout where the living areas are connected to each other, creating one large, continuous space. This can include the kitchen, dining room, and living room.
Contemporary and modern homeowners seem to be increasingly drawn to open floor plans. While the popularity of open plans has been on the rise for several decades, it shows no signs of slowing down. There are many reasons why homeowners might choose an open plan, but the most common reasons include a desire for more natural light, improved traffic flow, and a sense of spaciousness. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that open plans are here to stay.
If you’re considering an open floor plan for your home, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if it’s right for you.

The Advantages of an Open Floor Plan

open floor furnished kitchen interior
A home with an open floor plan is a wonderful place to live. From the hustle and bustles of family life or quiet moments alone; there are so many benefits that come from this type of design! We’ll explore some popular reasons why homeowners choose open-concept living spaces below.


An open floor plan is a layout that allows for easy movement between different areas of a home. Without the walls and barriers found in more traditional layouts, people are free to interact and move around easily. This can be beneficial for socializing or interacting with family members or guests. You can keep the conversation going even while you are prepping in the kitchen.
Open floor plans offer greater layout flexibility and traffic flow. They are also more accessible for people who use mobility aids. Whether you are looking to create a more spacious and inviting atmosphere or want to accommodate a loved one with special needs, an open floor plan may be the perfect solution.

Natural Light

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When kitchen, living, and dining areas are conceptually opened up, natural light has a chance to filter in more easily. This is opposed to when these rooms are closed off by walls, where light has to compete with these obstacles in order to make its way into the home. More light typically means a brighter, airier feel throughout the home. For those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), more light exposure can help alleviate some of their symptoms.

Safer for Children and Pets

If you have young children or pets, an open floor plan can help you keep an eye on them while still being able to attend to other tasks. When kitchen, living, and dining areas are separate, it’s easy for a child or pet to sneak off into another room without you realizing it. However, when these areas are all combined into one large space, it’s much easier to see what everyone is up to.

Modern Design

For anyone who loves a contemporary look, open floor plans are the way to go. These types of plans often feature large windows and ample natural light, which can make a home feel bright and airy. Open floor plans also tend to be more minimalistic in design, which can give a home a sleek and modern look.

Layout Possibilities

showing drawing with pen and scale
With an open floor plan, you are not restricted to the traditional placement of furniture and walls. You can get creative with the layout and design of your home, which can be fun and unique. Plus, you can switch up the layout at any time if you get bored or your needs change – for example, where once was a dining room could now be a playroom or home office.

The Disadvantages of Open Floor Plans

As popular as the open floor plan has become, it does have its disadvantages that you should be aware of before making the switch from traditional to open.

Less Privacy

One of the main disadvantages of an open floor plan is that there are fewer opportunities for privacy. If you work from home or have young children, this can be a big downside. With traditional floor plans, each room has its own specific purpose and doors that can be closed to provide privacy when needed. With no walls to separate the spaces, open floor plans leave little to no privacy for the people who live there.

More Noise

child playing on floor
Walls may block the light, but they also block the noise. If you live in a busy city or have noisy neighbors, an open floor plan can amplify the sound and make it hard to concentrate or get a good night’s sleep. Traditional homes with walls between rooms can help reduce the amount of noise that is heard throughout the house.

No Smell Containment

Frying up some garlicky fish for dinner? With an open floor plan, the smell will travel throughout the house and into every nook and cranny. If you have guests over, they’ll be able to smell what you’re cooking even if they’re in a different room. Plus, such smells have a habit of lingering long after the meal is over. In traditional homes with closed floor plans, smells are more likely to be contained within one area.

Higher Energy Costs

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The bigger the open space, the harder it is to heat or cool. In traditional homes, you can close off unused rooms to save on energy costs. But in an open floor plan home, you’ll have to heat or cool the entire space even if you’re only using a small portion of it.

More Visible Mess

Even if you are a generally clean and tidy person, an open floor plan will make it more difficult to keep your home looking presentable. If your kitchen is in full view of your living room, guests will be able to see every dirty dish and every crumb on the counter. In a traditional home, you can close the door to the kitchen and tidy up before guests arrive.

What is a Closed Floor Plan?

A closed floor plan is a type of floor plan where the rooms are separated into distinct areas. The idea behind a closed floor plan is to make the house more functional and to separate the rooms so that they can be used for specific purposes. For example, a closed floor plan might have a smaller room dedicated to cooking, a larger room for eating, and a separate room for relaxing or working.

The Advantages of Closed Floor Plans

The closed floor plan is a classic, traditional type of interior layout. It’s currently less popular than the modern open-concept designs but it boasts many advantages worth considering before you make your choice.

Design Variety

A traditional, closed-floor plan offers more design variety. You can play around with the interior design a lot more than within an open plan. Each room can feature its own color palette and aesthetic without clashing with one another.
When it comes to decorating, closed-floor plans offer plenty of opportunities to add your own personal touch. With doorways and walls to work with, you can really let your creativity shine.

Cozier Feel

outer view of decorated room
There’s just something about a traditional closed-floor plan that feels warm and inviting. Maybe it’s the way the rooms are nested together, or the way that doorways provide a sense of privacy and separation. Whatever the reason, closed-floor plans tend to create a cozier, more intimate feeling than open spaces.


There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re living in a fishbowl. Whether you’re trying to have a private conversation with your partner or simply want to relax in your own space, it can be frustrating to constantly feel like you’re being watched. If you value your privacy, a closed-floor plan is probably the way to go. With traditional walls and doors separating each room, you can rest assured that nosy neighbors or curious family members won’t be able to eavesdrop on your conversations.

Cost Saving

One of the main reasons people choose closed-floor plans is because they’re typically more cost-effective than open layouts. If you’re building a new home or renovating an existing one, traditional walls and doors will be less expensive to construct than removing load-bearing walls or installing large sliding glass doors.
In addition, closed floor plans tend to have lower energy bills because there are fewer gaps and openings for heat or air to escape. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, this can be a huge selling point.

The Disadvantages of Closed Floor Plans

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While there are many advantages to living in a home with a closed floor plan, such as a cozier feel and more noise control – some people might not want their living area so closed off. Below we look into some of the main drawbacks of a closed layout.

Less Light and Air

One of the biggest disadvantages of closed floor plans is that they tend to be darker and airier than their open-concept counterparts. This is due to the fact that closed floor plans typically have fewer windows and more walls, which means less natural light and ventilation. As a result, closed floor plans can often feel stuffy and claustrophobic, especially during the hot summer months.

More Cramped

a view of room interior
There are pros and cons to every type of floor plan, and it’s important to weigh all your options before making a decision. One downside of closed floor plans is that they can feel more cramped or cluttered. Without any open space, everything feels like it’s crammed together. This can be especially true in smaller homes or apartments.
Additionally, closed floor plans can make it more difficult to keep things tidy. With so many nooks and crannies, it’s easy for clutter to build up. If you’re someone who likes things neat and tidy, a closed floor plan may not be the best option for you.

More Isolated

Home is where the heart is – or so they say. But for many people, home doesn’t necessarily feel like a place of comfort and refuge. In fact, for some, the four walls of their home can feel like a prison. This is often the case with people who live in apartments or other small spaces with closed floor plans.
man sitting at window staring outside
Without any windows or doorways to the outside world, these rooms can feel incredibly isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. Even if you have a TV or a computer, it’s not the same as being able to step outside and take a deep breath of fresh air.
If you’re someone who feels claustrophobic in small spaces, then a closed floor plan might not be the right choice for you. Instead, you might prefer an open floor plan that includes plenty of windows and doors to let in natural light and fresh air.

Hard to See

Closed-off rooms may provide respite and privacy, but they do mean that you have to walk through one room to get to another. This can be problematic if you’re entertaining guests and you want them to be able to move freely from one space to the next.
It can also be difficult to keep an eye on small children if they’re playing in a closed-off room and you’re in another part of the house.

Fixed Layout

While not completely impossible, a closed floor plan is more difficult to change than an open one.
If you want to reconfigure the layout of your rooms, you may need to consult with a contractor or an architect to see if it’s possible without compromising the structural integrity of your home.
Even simpler changes like moving furniture are more difficult in a traditional floor plan.

How Does the Floor Layout Influence the Property Value and Selling Outlook?

In a world where people are looking to live in modern, open concept homes with greater space efficiency and less clutter from personal belongings or decoration – there is no better way than an ‘open’ floor plan. Many buyers nowadays are willing to pay premium prices for open floor plans.
Depending on the location, market, and architectural style of the home, open floor plans may have an advantage when it comes to resale. For example, if you live in a neighborhood where most of the homes have an open floor plan, then buyers will expect to see that in your home as well. Additionally, if you live in an area with a lot of new construction, buyers may be looking for homes with open floor plans because that is what is most common in new construction.
One advantage of an open floor plan is that it can make a small home feel larger and more spacious. Additionally, an open floor plan can also be more conducive to entertaining guests since there are no walls or doors to block off the conversation. Those and the other benefits of open plans that we discussed above will be considered by the buyers. So if you are thinking of selling your home in the future, then it may be advantageous to have an open floor plan.

How to Sell a Closed Floor Plan House

The current trends and buyers’ needs make it harder to sell a closed floor plan house. Because traditional floor plans are not as desirable anymore, you may have to put in a little more work to make your home stand out from the competition.
But selling your home doesn’t have to be difficult. Simple Sell Homebuyers is here to help. We will buy your closed (or open) plan house for a fair price. All you have to do is contact us and we will take it from there.
So if you are thinking of selling your home, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would be more than happy to help you out!

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