How-To Guide: Selling An Unfurnished House

Possibly one of the most daunting tasks in the world of homeownership is selling an unfurnished house. Regardless of whether you are a first-time seller or have been through the process before, it can be difficult to know where to start when your home is devoid of furniture and decor.

An unfurnished house is a property that does not come with any furniture or appliances. This can be an advantage for people who are moving into a new home and want to choose their own furniture, or for those who are downsizing and want to get rid of excess belongings. There are also some disadvantages to unfurnished houses, so it’s important to consider your needs before making a decision. Unfurnished houses often cost less than furnished houses, but you’ll need to budget for furniture and appliances.

couple sitting on floor

If you’re looking to sell an unfurnished house, there are a few extra things you’ll need to take into account. We’ve outlined the process for you below, along with some tips to make it as smooth as possible. So if you’re ready to start showing your house without furniture, keep reading!

Pros Of Selling An Unfurnished House

Are you considering selling your house, but it’s not furnished? You may be wondering if there are any benefits to leaving it unfurnished. Here are a few reasons why selling an unfurnished house can be a good idea.

You Avoid The Staging Costs

If you’re looking to sell your home, there are a few things you can do to make it more appealing to buyers. One of those things is to stage the house – but that can be expensive if you don’t have any furniture. Luckily, there’s an easy solution: selling an unfurnished house. By avoiding the staging costs, you can save yourself some money and make the sale process a little easier.

Unfurnished homes may sell faster than ones that have been staged with furniture because buyers can envision themselves in the house without any distractions. This way, they won’t waste time imagining what it would be like to live there with their own pieces of furniture and decor, which makes choosing your home less overwhelming for them. It also helps guarantee that you will get rid of your house fast and make a sale more quickly and efficiently.

furnished interior of lounge

A potential buyer is likely willing to pay more for an unfurnished house if he or she can save costs associated with staging. No one wants to pay extra money on furnishing when they could use those savings towards other purchases because home styling services can cost from $2,500 up to $20,000, and sometimes even more.

You Will Show Off The Space

A potential homebuyer can get a much better idea of the size and layout of a house by seeing it unfurnished. Furniture and other objects in a space can obscure views and make rooms feel smaller than they are. By removing all of these distractions, an unfurnished house allows buyers to visualize how they could use the space. This is especially important for houses that are on the market furnished, as buyers may not be able to imagine what the furniture would look like in their own home.

Showing an unfurnished house also emphasizes its features, such as windows and hardwood floors, which may be hidden by furnishings.

The typical way to show an unfurnished house is by photographing it as-is. This allows buyers to see the home as they would if they visited it in person, and makes sure there are no surprises when they come to closing. Another option for showing an unfurnished house is by staging it with standard decor that really brings out all its features.

You Could Sell It Faster

If you’re looking to sell your home, you may want to consider leaving it unfurnished. A study by the National Association of Realtors found that homes with furniture and decor tend to stay on the market for longer than those that are empty. This leads some to say that an unfurnished house typically sells faster than a furnished one. While some people may view furniture as a necessary part of a home, others see it as an extra cost and hassle that they don’t need.

You’ll also avoid the issue of having to move all of your furniture out when it’s time to sell. Keep in mind that this only works if your house is in good condition – if it’s cluttered or dirty, potential buyers will be turned off even if it’s unfurnished.

person packing goods

So if you’re serious about selling, take some time to declutter and remove all of your belongings. This will make your home look bigger and more inviting to potential buyers. And since it won’t require any additional work or investment on their part, they may be more likely to make an offer.

Cons Of Selling An Unfurnished House

Many sellers believe that an unfurnished house will scare away buyers and reduce their chances of making a sale. While there are some drawbacks to selling an unfurnished house, there are also several benefits that potential sellers should consider.

Let’s take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

The Buyers Won’t Be Able To See Themselves Living There

For some people, a completely blank slate will make it harder for them to imagine themselves living there. When you’re selling a house that’s unfurnished, it can be tricky to make buyers see themselves living there. Because they won’t be able to visualize the property with their own furniture in it, they may pass on your house altogether.

couple visiting new unfurnished home

Here are a few tips to help make the sale:

  1. Stage the house with some of your own furniture to give them a better idea of what it will look like.
  2. Emphasize the home’s features and amenities that can’t be seen in pictures or online.
  3. Price the home fairly and competitively – buyers will be more likely to consider an unfurnished property if it’s priced comparably to other homes in the area.
  4. Showcase the neighborhood. For instance, if the home is in a golf course community, be sure to mention that fact since homes surrounding the area are often interested in this asset.

You Can’t Hide Small Imperfections

When selling a house, it’s important to highlight its best features and downplay any small imperfections. However, this is especially difficult if your house is unfurnished – since potential buyers can see everything in plain view. So how do you hide those tiny flaws from would-be buyers?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Hide small imperfections in the basement or attic. For instance, if you notice a tiny hole in the wall after hanging your pictures, make sure to remove them before putting your house on the market. Otherwise, a buyer might be turned off by this minor problem.
  2. Place a decorative tablecloth over any damaged piece of furniture in your home. However, don’t do this for every single piece since buyers will quickly realize that it’s merely a tactic to hide flaws. In addition, if they take issue with one piece of furniture covered in fabric, chances are they’ll have an issue with all other pieces covered as well.
  3. If you have kids or pets, it will be important to keep any stains and/or pet hair off of your rugs and furniture, as this will likely turn off the average buyer. Extra incentive to have your carpets professionally cleaned prior to listing.
  4. Place a set of candles throughout your home for an extra touch of “atmosphere.” However, do not place them near any curtains or fabric since the heat from the candles can start a fire pretty quickly. Also, don’t leave lit candles unattended.
  5. Each room should have at least one reading lamp in it so that buyers can imagine themselves relaxing with a good book after a hard day at work. Of course, make sure they are turned on when you have people over for inspections!

person repairing sanitary pipe

Tips For Selling An Unfurnished House

When selling a house, it is important to make sure that it is in the best condition possible. This means doing everything from painting the walls to fixing the roof. However, for some people, this may not be enough.

If your house is unfurnished, there are a few extra steps you will need to take in order to make it sellable.

Make The House Look Nice Even Without The Furniture

It can be challenging to make an unfurnished house look nice when you’re trying to sell it. But with a few simple tricks, you can create an attractive and appealing space that will help to generate interest from potential buyers.

The first step in this process is to make sure that the rooms are tidy and relatively free of excess clutter. While it may seem like a good idea to leave boxes in the corner or stacks of old newspapers on the coffee table, any belongings that you have left sitting out could turn off potential buyers.

At this point, many people fall into the trap of trying to clean up everything at once. This can be very overwhelming when you are trying to sell your house so instead, focus on just one room at a time. You don’t need to put away every decoration or stack every piece of paper in one day- just decide what needs to go where and then take five minutes for each area you’re working in to get rid of any necessary clutter.

One of the best ways to make an unfurnished house look nicer is to add some plants. Plants can brighten up a room and make it feel more comfortable. You don’t need a lot of plants, just a few strategically placed ones can make a big difference.

plant decoration for house interior

Another way to add some personality to an unfurnished house is by using rugs and curtains. Rugs can add color and texture to a room, while curtains can add warmth and privacy. Choose rugs and curtains that match the colors and styles of your home for a cohesive look. You can also use rugs and curtains to divide up an open room into smaller areas, making it feel like there are more walls than really exist.

Take Care of the General Wear And Tear

Prepping your unfurnished home before selling can seem daunting, but it’s important to do in order to get the best return on your investment. General wear and tear can detract from the overall appearance of your home and make it less appealing to potential buyers. By taking care of some simple fixes, you can make your home look its best and speed up the selling process.

General wear and tear is something that everyone who has ever owned an unfurnished home knows all too well. It’s the gradual accumulation of damage that takes place over time as a result of normal use and exposure to the elements. This type of damage may not be extensive, but it can be insight enough.

The best way to ensure that your home stays in the best condition possible is to hire a home inspector before you put your house on the market. A professional can tell you where your biggest issues are and advise you on how to fix them. After they’ve given their assessment, you should fix all that they suggest.

damaged wooden floor

Save The Furnished Photos

Even though the house will stay unfurnished, the seller should take photos of the property when it’s still furnished and place them on the online listing, so that the buyers have a sense of how the space looks when furnished.

When you’re getting ready to sell your home, it’s important to have good-quality photos of the property to show potential buyers. Photos can make or break a sale, and if your home is unfurnished, it can be difficult to show all the potential in the space. By taking a few minutes to save furnished photos of your home before you start showing it, you can give buyers a much better idea of what they could do with the space.


All in all, an unfurnished home can be difficult to sell, since it can be hard for buyers to imagine what the space would look like with their own furniture in it. Selling an unfurnished home has many downsides, however, there are some ways to take advantage of the situation and help your home sell as quickly as possible.

image representing high price of house

Seeking out the help of a realtor to sell your home is what many homeowners think is their best bet, as they will be able to provide you with the most accurate information about how much money you can expect to make from a sale. But, with the help of a realtor, there is plenty of time and effort that must go into the selling process on top of worrying about your unfurnished home.

One option that can be more lucrative than full-service staging and using the help of a realtor is selling your home “as-is” to cash buyers. There are several benefits of working with cash buyers in this scenario: they’re often able to close faster than traditional buyers, they don’t typically need mortgages or loans, and they’re not as fussy when it comes to property conditions. If you want to maximize your profits from the sale of your home then seeking out the help of cash buyers is key.

Fortunately, with Simple Sell Home Buyers, our goal is simple – get a fair cash offer from us that you won’t want to refuse. Selling your house has never been easier than this. We understand selling a home doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. That’s why we offer cash in as-is condition without repair costs and will close when you are happy with our offer. Let us know about the property you’d like to sell, and we will get you an offer as quickly as we can. If you are interested in getting into contact with us or to schedule a home tour, give us a call at (+)1-516 603 5748.

Image Credits

Monopoly Buy, Sell, Rent / Google Stock Images

Real Estate Agent PDX / Google Stock Images

eBay Inc / Google Stock Images

Media Feed / Google Stock Images

OSHA / Google Stock Images

Site Minder / Google Stock Images

Hayeswinkle Agent / Google Stock Images

Union Home Mortgage / Google Stock Images

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