13 Things Home Buyers Will Hate About Your Home

Homebuyers are a fickle bunch, whether they’re already in the market or first-time buyers. They can walk into your home and love everything about it… or they can find a cascade of items that build up into them hating and not buying your property. If you’re selling your home and looking to appeal to a wide range of buyers, it’s important to know what may turn off people coming to look at your home.

Here are 13 things home buyers hate about houses and what you can do to avoid having these problems with your own home. By making just a few adjustments, you can help ensure a successful sale.

woman standing in room to clean it

1. A Home that Smells Bad

It’s no secret that a home that has a bad smell is much harder to sell. In fact, it’s been estimated that around 30% of all homes have some kind of smell issue. A study conducted by the National Association of Realtors revealed that 63 percent of all home buyers said they would not even bother looking at a property if it had a bad smell. Whether it’s pet urine, smoke, or just a general musty smell, most home buyers will be turned off by a smelly house. Try to make sure that your home smells fresh and clean by airing it out regularly and using odor-eliminating products.

2. Dirty Windows and Floors

When potential buyers are on the house hunt walking through your home, they’re bound to notice if the floors and windows are dirty. Windows and floors can be telltale signs of how well a home has been maintained. If they’re dirty, it can give the impression that the homeowner hasn’t been as diligent with regular cleaning and maintenance as they should be. This can raise red flags for potential buyers who are viewing your home, especially if they’re already on the hunt for a move-in-ready property. In some cases, it might even be a sign that the homeowner is desperate to sell. Make sure to keep these areas clean and free of any dirt, dust, or fingerprints.

woman cleaning house floor

3. Clutter Everywhere

It’s one of the most common complaints among would-be buyers – they’ve been to see a house and it was cluttered. While potential buyers are touring your home, they don’t want to feel like they’re intruding on your personal space. This can be a big turn-off, especially if there’s clutter everywhere they look. Clutter makes it difficult for potential buyers to imagine their own belongings in the home, and it can make rooms appear smaller than they actually are.

Try to declutter your home before potential buyers come to visit. Put away any excess furniture, boxes, and personal items. This will help them feel like they can see the potential in your home.

4. Unmade Beds and Dishes in the Sink

In order to make a good impression on potential home buyers, it is important to keep your home in tip-top shape.

Potential buyers are looking for a home that’s move-in-ready. This means that they don’t want to see a house full of dirty dishes or unmade beds. These small details can make potential buyers think that the homeowner isn’t taking good care of the property. As a result, they may be less likely to make an offer on your home.

image of dirty dishes in the sink

To avoid this problem, make sure to tidy up before potential buyers come to visit. Do the dishes, make the beds, and put away any clutter. This will help potential buyers see your home in its best light.

5. Poorly Maintained Yards

Potential buyers often judge a book by its cover. This means that they’ll make assumptions about your home based on the condition of your yard, and this will leave a lasting first impression. And, first impressions as ever are key. If your yard is unkempt and overgrown, potential buyers may think that you don’t care about the property. This can turn them off from even considering your home. On the other hand, if your yard is well-manicured and inviting, potential buyers will be more likely to give your home a chance. First-time buyers may also be less versed in how to keep up with the condition of a property, so if this is something you’re comfortable doing, take full advantage before they come to view your property.

To make a good impression, make sure to keep your yard neat and tidy. Cut the grass, trim the hedges, and remove any debris. This will help potential buyers see your home in its best light.

5. Pet Hair and Animal Odors

You might love animals and your pets, but that doesn’t mean those on the house hunt will want to endure the mess you may leave behind once your property is sold. The presence of pet hair or animal odors can be a huge turnoff for potential home buyers. In some cases, potential buyers may even be allergic to pet hair and dander.

image representing cleaning of pet hair

Try to keep your home pet hair and odor-free before potential buyers come to visit. This means putting away your pets, sweeping and mopping the floors, and vacuuming the carpets.

You could also consider hiring a professional cleaning service to clean your home from top to bottom. This will ensure that there is no pet hair or animal odor remaining and potential buyers will be impressed with the effort you’ve put into preparing your home for sale, and this could result in a successful sale.

6. Lack of Curb Appeal

When potential buyers are driving by your home, they’re looking for a property that has curb appeal. Curb appeal is the term used to describe how attractive a property looks from the street. If your home doesn’t have curb appeal, potential buyers may not even want to step foot inside.

To make sure your home has curb appeal, start by taking a look at the exterior of your property.

Are the gutters clean?

Is the paint in good condition?

Is the landscaping well-maintained?

These are all factors that potential buyers will notice when they’re driving by your home.

If you find that your home is lacking in curb appeal, there are some simple things you can do to improve it.

image of house exterior

Start by power washing the exterior of your home and painting any faded areas. Then, take a look at your landscaping. Make sure the lawn is mowed and the shrubs are trimmed. These small changes can make a big difference in how potential buyers perceive your property.

6. Outdated or Ugly Wallpaper or Paint Colors

While you might love the wallpaper or paint colors in your home, potential buyers might not feel the same way. In fact, potential buyers might be turned off by these outdated or ugly features.

If you have wallpaper, it’s a good idea to remove it before potential buyers come to visit. This will give them a blank canvas to work with and they’ll be able to imagine their own style in the space. The same goes for paint colors. If your walls are covered in bright or bold colors, potential buyers might not be able to see past them.

Instead of leaving potential buyers with an eyesore, take the time to prep your home before they arrive. Remove any outdated or ugly wallpaper and repaint any rooms with bold colors. This will help potential buyers see your home in its best light and they’ll be more likely to make an offer.

7. Popcorn Ceilings

While popcorn ceilings were once a popular design feature, they’ve since fallen out of style. If your home has popcorn ceilings, potential buyers might be turned off by this outdated feature.

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to update your ceilings and make them more appealing to potential buyers. One option is to remove the popcorn texture completely and start fresh with a new paint color or wallpaper. Another option is to cover the popcorn ceiling with a board and batten system or beadboard panels.

These updates will give your ceilings a more modern look and feel that potential buyers will appreciate.

image representing removal of popcorn ceiling

8. Too Much Personal Memorabilia

When potential buyers are walking through your home, they shouldn’t feel like they’re walking through your personal life. This means removing any personal memorabilia from sight. Things like family photos, collectibles, and souvenirs should be put away in storage so potential buyers can focus on the home itself, not on all of your personal belongings.

If you have a lot of personal memorabilia in your home, it might be a good idea to hire a professional stager to help you prepare your home for sale. A stager will know how to arrange your furniture and decor in a way that makes your home look more appealing to potential buyers.

9. Poor Lighting

Good lighting and a bright and airy feel is key when first stepping into a potential new home. If your home is dark and dreary, potential buyers might not be able to see its full potential.

person installing the light bulb in lamp

There are a few things you can do to improve the lighting in your home. First, take a look at your window coverings. Are they blocking out too much light? If so, consider removing them or replacing them with lighter-colored curtains or blinds.

Second, add some additional light fixtures to your home. This could include lamps, sconces, or even overhead lights. Adding more light will help make your home feel more open and inviting to potential buyers.

10. Bad Feng Shui

While you might not believe in Feng Shui, potential buyers who do might be turned off by a home that they don’t feel provides it. Things like cluttered rooms, poor layout, and bad energy flow can all be potential turn-offs for those who are looking for a new home.

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to improve the Feng Shui in your home. Start by decluttering each room and getting rid of any unwanted or unused items.

Then, rearrange your furniture so that it’s in a more pleasing and inviting layout.

Finally, add some plants or other greenery to your home to help improve the energy flow.

11. Noisy Neighbors

If your home is located near a busy street or if you have noisy or crazy neighbors, potential buyers might not be interested in buying it.

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to fix this problem. However, you can try to minimize the noise by closing all of your windows and doors. You can also try to muffle the noise by using sound-proofing materials like acoustic panels or insulation.

You could also try to get in touch with your noisy neighbors, let them know when you have a viewing, and ask if they could hold off on completing loud tasks such as mowing the lawn or playing music outside.

image representing a woman getting irritated with loud noise

12. A Messy Yard

Potential buyers will be turned off by a messy yard. If your lawn is overgrown, your flower beds are full of weeds, or your pool is green and gross, potential buyers might not even want to step foot inside your home.

Luckily, there are some easy ways to spruce up your yard and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Start by mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, and pulling any weeds. Then, add some color by planting flowers or adding mulch to your flower beds. Finally, clean up any outdoor toys, furniture, or decorations.

This will help potential buyers see your yard as a blank canvas that they can easily transform into their own personal oasis.

13. Inconvenient location

If your home is located in a bad neighborhood or far away from amenities, potential buyers might not be interested.

image of many houses representing location

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to change the location of your home. However, you can try to make it more appealing by highlighting the positive aspects of its location. For example, if your home is located near good schools or a park, be sure to mention that to potential buyers.

While you can’t change the location of your home, as previously mentioned you can make it more appealing by improving its curb appeal and making use of your outdoor space. This includes things like painting the front door, adding new landscaping, and replacing the mailbox. By making your home look attractive from the street, potential buyers will be more likely to want to come inside and take a closer look.


Although you cannot control every aspect of your home sale, being aware of the things that will stop home buyers from buying your property can help you to make small changes that could have a big impact on whether or not your house sells. If you can make the necessary changes ahead of time, you’ll likely see an increase in potential buyers and a quicker sale.

However, if you’re looking for a simple sale that doesn’t involve any of the usual hassles associated with home sales – like maintenance repairs, staging, or marketing – then consider selling your home to a cash buyer. With Simple Sell Home Buyers, our goal is simple – get a fair offer from us that you won’t want to refuse.

image representing value of house

We understand selling a home doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. That’s why we offer cash in as-is condition without repair costs and will close when you are happy with our offer. If you are interested in getting into contact with us or to schedule a home tour, give us a call at (+)1-516 603 5748.

Image Credits

Domain/ Google Stock Images

The independent/ Google Stock Images

April’s Cleaning Services/ Google Stock Images

Paint Lake Norman/ Google Stock Images

BHHS Michigan Real Estate Blog/ Google Stock Images

The Independent/ Google Stock Images

Judd Builders/ Google Stock Images

Institute for New Economic Thinking/ Google Stock Images

Memfixerupper/ Google Stock Images

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